Как использовать фразовые глаголы?
Это один из самых распространенных вопросов, которые задают студенты среднего и продвинутого уровней владения английским языком. В этом уроке вы освоите 30 распространенным фразовым глаголам. Для каждого фразового глагола приведены полезные примеры.How do I use phrasal verbs?" This is one of the most common questions that intermediate and advanced English students ask. In this lesson, I will teach you 30 common phrasal verbs that you can use as commands. Each phrasal verb also has useful examples,
So, the first one, repeat after me: "Back off." This is what you say when you want someone to, you know, get out of your personal space. So, usually if you are annoyed at the individual, you could say: "Back off. You are too close to me." Okay?
Next: "Back up." Now, "back up" is similar to "back off", but it can be used in a more formal situation by someone, like, you know, a police officer or a security guard. So, for example, if there is, you know, a line where another line is formed and you cannot cross this line, and you do cross that line, you know, a police officer or a security guard or someone might ask you to: "Back up. Back up." This means: Go back a little bit, take a few steps back. They probably won't say: "Back off". "Back off" is much stronger, so you can use: "Back up" in a more formal situation where you want the person to move out of the way and to move back a little bit. Okay? So: "Back up. Just move back, everybody." Okay?
Next: "Carry on." So, repeat after me: "Carry on." This simply means continue, do what you were doing before. So: "Carry on. Carry on."
Next, repeat after me: "Chill out." This just means: "Be calm, relax. Okay? I see you're upset. Chill out." Okay? So: "chill" comes from, like, you know, to cool, to be calmer. Don't get so hot. Be calm, be cool, chill out.
Next, repeat: "Come back." This simply means return. Okay? So: "Hey. Come back. Come back. Return."
Next: "Come on." So, this can mean to come, follow me. "Come on. Let's go." Or, if you don't, you know, believe a person's story or you want to show surprise, you can say: "Come on. Really? Come on."
Okay, next: "Come in." So, if you have invited someone to your house, you open the door and you want to, you know, invite them to enter your house, you can say: "Come in." All right? So repeat it: "Come in."
Next: "Come over." So, if you are inviting a person to your house, you're talking to them on the phone and you want them to come to where you are, usually it's your house, but it could be another place like your work or a caf� somewhere, but usually it's, you know, their house, you can say: "Hey. Come over. I'm free now." Or: "Come over in ten minutes." Okay? So this means: Come to where I am. Usually it's the person's house. "Yeah, you can come over. Come over." Give a command.
Next: "Dream on. Dream on. Dream..." You know, the Aerosmith song from the 70s or... I think it was the 70s. And, "to dream on" basically means you don't believe what this person is saying or they have this big, big impossible dream in their head or something, like: -"Oh, I'm going to play this lottery ticket and I'm going to win the lottery this weekend. That's my plan for the weekend." -"Dream on." Okay? So, this means: "Keep dreaming, continue to dream. I don't believe you." All right?
Next: "Drink up." So, repeat: "Drink up." […]

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Больше полезных и интересных бесплатных материалов для освоения разговорного английского языка : тренажеры, аудио- и видеопазлы, интересные задания, игры, озвученные книги и многое другое, вы найдете здесь!
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