Словосочетание - это группа из двух или более слов, которые обычно идут вместе. Вот несколько примеров словосочетаний глаголов:
дать обещание make a promise,
приложить усилия - make the effort,
извиниться - make excuses,
пройти курс - take a class,
сэкономить деньги - save money,
потратить деньги - spend money,
произвести впечатление - get the impression.
Посмотрите видео, чтобы узнать больше о словосочетаниях глаголов.
Verb Collocations
Collocation is a group of two or more words that usually go together. Some examples of verb collocations are: make a promise, make the effort, make excuses, take a class, save money, spend money, get the impression.
Watch the video to learn more verb collocations.
Verb Collocations
Collocation is a group of two or more words that usually go together. Some examples of verb collocations are: make a promise, make the effort, make excuses, take a class, save money, spend money, get the impression.
Watch the video to learn more verb collocations.
Emma: How has your first month in the U.S. been? Are you having a good time?
Marta: Yes, it's really great!
I'm glad I made the decision to go abroad.
I've always wanted to live in another country.
Emma: What made you finally decide to do it?
Marta: I knew that studying abroad would make a difference in my education and my life.
But I afraid I would miss my family too much.
My grandpa told me to follow my dream and take the chance.
Then, one day, I decided to take my grandpa's advice and just do it.
I was tired of making excuses for why I couldn't go.
That's how I came to this decision.
Emma: You're really brave!
I don't know if I could spend a year in another country,
especially if people spoke another language.
Marta: Actually, I've been learning English my whole life.
I've always had a passion for it.
I saw Boston in some American movies.
It looked so nice that I wanted to make the effort to come here.
Emma: Have you seen any sights yet?
Marta: Not yet. I’ve been too busy doing my homework.
I didn’t realize how many assignments American professors give.
Emma: I know! I’ve been thinking about making a complaint of the Dean of Students.
Some of my teachers make me take a test every week!
Marta: Wow, that's terrible! That reminds me, I have an assignment I need to get started o soon.
One of my teachers want me to write a ten-page paper!
Emma: Wow, That long. I hope you get to take a break soon.
There are so many things to see and do in Boston!
Marta: I might see some sights this weekend.
I have to do the shopping for my apartment, so I’ll be out anyway.
Do you have any recommendations?
Emma: Faneuil Hall is a fun marketplace to visit.
I think you would love to spend time looking at all the shops and getting some food.
Marta: I’d love to try some American foods.
I do the cooking at my apartment, So I only eat Spanish food.
Emma: Wow, you cook? I’m terrible at cooking.
Every time I try to make dinner, I make a mistake.
One time I added too much seasoning and the taste was horrible.
Another time, I forgot I had left something on the stove and it caught fire!
The food stuck to the pan. I made a mess!
Marta: I could do you a favor and teach you how to cook!
Emma: That’s okay. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m not a good cook.
Marta: Would you do me a favor then?
Emma: Sure, what is it?

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