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There is a neighborhood thief ????? in California
-We have a cat burglar, I mean literally a cat burglar.
Night after night Dusty the clepto cat slips into the darkness .. looking to raid the possessions of unsuspecting neighbors.
- How many things has Dusty taken from you?
- Three
- Three?
- What were they?
- My Crocs and my tennis shoes.
- The kids know the rules. Do not leave your shoes outside , because they will not be there in the morning
- Oo! This are mine!
There has been no video evidence of Dusty's crimes.
So I set up a surveillance camera outside his front door to catch him in the act
Now we gonna have actual proof.
Dusty ( proud? -не могу понять слово) the neighborhood for 2 weeks
And my camera was rolling whole time/
Now is the moment (X- имя ) and I have been wating for.
Hopefully we caught Dusty in the act, I'm a little nervous, a little excited
I'm a little everything right now
-Press play and let's do it!
-What is that?
- I've never seen him like that .This is great! I love watching this. You never get to see Dusty with anything
- It is crasy. When your sleeping in the middle of the night he's out getting stuff for you
Look at that ! That is great
Is he bringing back a sponge?/
- I think you' re right
He's bringing back a sponge right here
Dusty's got a sponge in his mouth!
-He is a busy kitty. This cat is so funny to me
O it's crazy! I never have seen anything like it before.
He needs therapy or he gets arrested one or the other. We got you Dusty
You are a clepto kitty.

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4 комментария:
Мила ! Спасибо за Ваши материалы ! Вы молодец! Сами быстро освоили язык и помогаете другим .Вашей энергии можно позавидовать.И еще подключили мужа и сына ! Так держать !
Спасибо Вам! Я всегда радуюсь коментариям! Значит я не зря стараюсь!!!
Здравствуйте, дорогая Мила! Спасибо за все Ваши письма-уроки!Извините, долго не отвечала. Не люблю жаловаться на болезни,к сожалению получила осложнение после вирусного гриппа.Чувствую себя уже хорошо и начинаю наверстывать упущенное. Спасибо Вам и надеюсь,что Вы не разочарованы из-за моей задержки.Надеюсь на продолжение уроков и получение рассылок "Фразы каждый день".С благодарностью Дана.
Обязательно продолжу, Дана! Спасибо Вам за ответ!
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